Individual Coaching
Customized, one-on-one sessions empower parents by providing techniques, coaching, and motivation. This format features ongoing sessions, allowing parents to set, plan and achieve strategic goals aligned to specific challenges, priorities, and desired outcomes. Co-Parent Coaching
Co-Parent sessions offer all the benefits and customization of individual sessions at highly discounted rates in order to encourage and incentivize co-parental participation. Play Group / Small Group Coaching
Ideal for an established playgroups or parents looking to form a group. This format features ongoing sessions focused on group dynamics, still providing customized coaching. Parents find the peer involvement to be a helpful element. |
Introducing Be Happy Birthing™ Childbirth Course
Comprehensive childbirth education that goes far beyond your typical childbirth classes. Teaching proven and effective methods for calmer, gentler, and safer births, it also includes education on nutrition, fetology, and newborn care. Group Workshops
A great option for moms-clubs and large playgroups. Workshops feature engaging and interactive presentations with a targeted focus. Each workshop addresses a specific module and can be scheduled individually, jointly, or in series. Seminars & Keynotes
Ideal for schools and institutions seeking a keynote speaker or seminar facilitator for a Parental Enrichment event. Topics of dicusussion can be customized or selected from our Modules list. |